Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Weddings are very weddingful.....

I feel scatter-brained and uber focused all at the same time.  Things are coming together, and some things just make me nervous.  If we give each item in a wedding that needs to be planned for a point value, that's how you count your positive or negative stress.  For example, I basically had to do no dress shopping - negative 10 stress points.  Not for me or anyone else - negative 5 points.  So, lets give it a go shall we?  And then we can use the mathematical equation to see just how stressed I am.  Really.

-2 pts: I have a mother who is best friends with a brilliant seamstress, so I get sleeves for practically the price of a batch of hot and fresh baked cookies that come from your visiting teacher.

-2 pts: My sister works at Office Depot, which makes invitation supplies even more affordable at an employee discount.

-50 pts: I have the most incredible fiance, who agrees with almost every wedding decision I make.  He also is a very good kisser, which relieves stress on an exponential level, but will not be calculated in this equation.

+48 pts: The fact that he is such an amazing kisser makes me nervous all the time that I will not be able to control my very sensual 28-year-old virgin self (as you will notice, this almost completely cancels out the above entry).

-100 pts: My mom-in-law-to-be has brilliant friends that are willing and on board for taking over with the decorating and all dictator-like responsibilities that come with such a task.  The cultural hall will look amazing and I will not have to worry one lick

-100 pts: I am very happy to be reminded that the only thing that matters that day is the sealing of myself to my other half (my sassy beefcake).  This is a peaceful and tranquil thought.  A mantra, if you will.  Say it with me, "The only thing that matters is being sealed to my sassy beefcake."  Has a ring to it, doesn't it?

+65 pts: While the cultural hall will look amazing, we don't yet know what it will cost.  Why would it take longer than a few days to make an estimate for a few pipe and drape sections?  This point value may have a multiplicative value.  See below.

-20 pts: Nearly everything for the invitations is here and ready for the assembly party next Saturday.....

+35 pts: ....Everything but the photo pages, which arrival timeframe is thus unknown based on loss of communication with the designer, who, last heard from, was ill along with her infant child....who knows.  She could be dead....with my photos.

+5 pts: Finances are tight, making creative genius a little less fluid-like, and more molasses-like.

-25 pts: My bridesmaids are awesome.  Every last one of them.  I've hardly had to worry about anything shower if I could just get a shower in every day.....  :)

+50 pts: I am now on a very strict diet, which allows me to eat roughly the amount of food I can hold in one hand a day.

-30 pts: I'll be a size 12 by my wedding - no funny business.  Really, a size 12!

-10 pts: Seriously....a size 12.

+60 pts: I still haven't really pinned down anything floral.

-20 pts:  I have a meeting with Ashlee about that this weekend.

+30 pts: Still haven't heard from the rental guys.....see above.  We have no idea what this pile of shinanigans is costing.  You'd be stressed too.

-10 pts: The flower girl dresses are also taken care of....essentially...

+5 pts: ....because we're still waiting for the right color fabric to be re-stocked at Joann's, which has thus fra taken at least 2 weeks....

+2 pts: ...and no one knows when it will be here.

-25 pts: Nearly all of my bridesmaids will be wearing peacock feathers in some fashion

-10 pts:

-5 pts: Even the flower girls will have little peacock feather headbands, thanks to

+200 pts: My brother and his prego wife almost couldn't come to my wedding!!!

-200 pts: We worked that out today....

+50 pts: figuring out that the best way to afford it was for me to pay for it.

-100 pts: Paying for my sister-in-law's ticket makes me realize, once again, how much I love her and want her to be there when I get married.

+25 pts: I think we may be grossly under-estimating how much silver spray paint we'll be needing to cover my wedding world

-15 pts: Its gonna be fun pretending to be a thug/vandal as we "tag" all the decorations for the reception.

+25 pts: Still don't know where or what we're doing for the wedding luncheon....

+25 pts: ....and I couldn't get the number down from 100 people....

-50 pts: ....but I don't technically have to worry about that (groom's family responsibility).

-10 pts: I know what I want the groomsmen to wear

+15 pts: I can't find it anywhere.

+25 pts: No real plans for a cake yet.

+10 pts: My sisters don't have dresses yet.

+100 pts: THE WEDDING IS LESS THAN TWO MONTHS AWAY...most of which time is going to be taken up with Christmas-y things.

+10 pts: Christmas-y shopping.

-50 pts: Christmas-y MUSIC & SINGING!!

-101 pts: I am surrounded by love and amazing-ness even though I am an un-focused, rather selfish wreck right now.  Pretty much, a bride-zilla in training.

+2 pts: I'm a bride-zilla in training.

And the grand total answer to the equation is.....drum roll please.............
is.....I don't have time to do this!  I'm planning a wedding......add it yourself.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kentucky Sunrise

Ok, so I haven't seen a sunrise in KY, but I'm sleeping nights while I'm here!  Anyone who's anyone knows I don't see sunrise unless I'm up first.

I'm getting married, and I brought my fiance to KY to meet my brother and sister-in-law.  What a trip!  We spent the day in Cincinnati yesterday, and we just got home from church today.  Its been so good.  I feel a lot closer to my sister-in-law this time around.  I know only a few of my close friends follow this so I don't mind mentioning that the relationship between me and my sister-in-law has been a little rocky since she married my brother 3 years ago.  I have tried and tried to find the cause of the conflict over the years, and I think I have been able to chalk it up to this one thing that is almost always the cause of any conflict with me and another girl of relation or otherwise.  That thing is that we are the same exact person.  Of course, there are the obvious things that make us wonderfully different, but when it comes right down to it, emotionally, we're practically the same person.  We want to feel loved and accepted, we sometimes feel like we have to work extra hard to be loved that much, we want to give everything we've got to the people we care about, and we think with our hearts and sometimes not so much our brain.  In a way, it makes me sort of glad that my fiance missed his flight to Louisville and my brother fell asleep in the back seat for an hour-and-a-half car ride.  I loved every second of my one-on-one time with Erin.

I've prayed and prayed to see Erin how my brother sees her.  I've always liked her, but I wanted to love her.  The car ride is like a miracle to me now.  The most telling similarity I discovered between her and I, that I did not know before, is that we both have the same mind-set about our school experiences.  It was always about the social aspects.  We are both highly motivated by the surrounding of ourselves with people.  And when I look at Erin now, knowing how similar we are, (and try not to see this as me being vain) I can tell that everything she does or says is out of love.  Even when she is stern with you about not putting your plate in the sink, she's teaching you and urging you to be better every second.  She wants what's best for everyone in her life because her heart is just that big.  And I see that as one of the things my brother absolutely loves about her.  It makes me happy to know that I can find those things I really love about her all on my own.  And I no longer need my brother's love for her to be the reason that I love her.  I love her for my own reasons now and they are many.

I suppose its hard for the first in-law in a huge tight-knit family.  Lots of expectations and disappointments, a major lack of experience in letting someone in, but I gladly take blame for what I've done to make it difficult and I don't think it will be anymore.  Each event in our lives helps us learn to be better and the timing is such that we'll be able to recognize and revise.  I am excited to revise my relationship with Erin and make it that much better.  She's not hard for me to understand anymore, and I love her like a sister.  Its really a wondrous blessing to me.  And I am grateful.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Intro and the Outro

I'm pretty sure its going to be hard for me to keep up with this, but I want to try because I would love for the people in my life to be able to keep tabs on me without having to work too terribly hard at it. :)

Lately, I find that the most boring things in my life are what make me happiest. For example, ice cream is chalk FULL of happiness and is relatively boring. Sitting at home with my family doing absolutely and most definitively nothing....BORING.....but amazing. Idle banter with Kendall, Regina's smile, Kathleen washing the dogs, Rachel playing with Kedrick and Brock, mom cooking, dad sleeping on the couch with the TV on, holding Cody's hand. Life in its most essential boringness is the most amazing experience for me. Who needs to jump out of a plane when you can eat sushi or watch SYTYCD? I'm sure I don't know.

So, I dedicate my blog to the silly, stupid, even mundane, every day nonsense that defines me and my happiness. And I'm happy to share with anyone who might care to indulge their curiosity.

The end....or the beginning.